Rabu, 28 Maret 2018



Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah
English For Islamic Studies II


Disusun Oleh:
1.      Choirin Widadiyah                         (141310003147)
2.      Siti Munawaroh                  (141310003154)
3.      Rokhmat                             (141310003107)

TAHUN 2017



The second Annual North American competition for Qur’anic Recitation took place at mosque foundation in Chicago on Desember 2 , 1984. An audience of 400 muslims were treated to what, insya Allah, will be an annual Islamic society tradition for excellence in the recitation of Qur’an. The events was coordinated by brothers Rasoul Penjwiny, Talat Sultan and Muhammad Nour, who acted as the moderator for the program.
Kompetisi tahunan Amerika Utara yang kedua untuk hafalan Qur’an diadakan di masjid Chicago pada tanggal 2 Desember 1984. 400 penonton muslim yang dijamu, insya Allah, akan menjadi tradisi masyarat islam setiap tahun yang diunggulkan dalam hafalan qur’an. Acara-acara itu dikoordinir oleh Rasoul Penjwiny, Talat Sultan dan Muhammad Nour, yang juga bertindak sebagai moderator acara.
            Before the more than 20 participants filled the hall with their eloquent  recitations, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad delivered a very inspiring inauguration speech. Brother Maurice Bucaile, the autor of the Bibel, Qur’an, And Science and The Origin Of Man. Also gave an  informatif lecture on the harmony between the Qur’an and science. His lecture was followed by brother Salman Nadvis timely lecture on the education of children.
Lebih dari 20 peserta yang berada di aula dengan hafalan-hafalan mereka yang fasih, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad menyampaikan pidato pembukaan yang sangat membangkitkan semangat. Maurice Bucaile, sorang penulis alkitab, Qur’an, dan science, dan buku Asal Usul Manusia, juga memberikan ceramah yang informatif tentang keselarasan antara Al-Qur’an dan ilmu, ceramahnya juga diikuti oleh Salman Nadvis yang juga ceramah tentang pendidikan anak.
            The heart of the program was of course the recitation itself. There were three categories of reciters; those who memorized the entire Qur’an, who had memorized one-third of the Qur’an, and a special group for young children in this category every one was pleasantly stunned by the recitation of a small child of 2 years. The winner of the second category was Brother Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi, and the winner of the first category was Brother Omar Idlibi. Winners will participate in the International Celebration for the recital and Tajweed of the holly Qur’an to be held, insya Allah in Makkah AL- Mukarramah. Special appreciation should be extended to the judges who presided  over the competition : namely Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad Ghouth Nadvi and Muhammad al- Shengity.
            Inti dari acara ini adalah tentang hafalan. Ada tiga kategori penghafal diantaranya : hafal seluruh Al- Qur’an, hafal sepertiga dari AL-qur’an, dan group khusus anak-anak. Dalam kategori ini yang sangat terasa mempesona adalah hafalan anak kecil umur 2 tahun. Pemenang dari kategori kedua adalah Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi, dan pemenang kategori pertama adalah Omar Idlibi. Para pemenang akan ikut serta diajang internasional untuk recital dan tajwid dari AL-Qur’an yang akan diselenggakan insya Allah di Makkah AL –Mukarramah. Penghargaan khusus diberikan kepada para juri yang memimpin kompetisi, yaitu Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad Ghouth Nadvi and Muhammad al- Shengity.
(Islamic Horizon, January 1985)

To treat                        : menjamu, menggembirakan
Excellence                   : keunggulan, kelebihan
Eloquent                      : fasih, mengesankan, penuh perasaan
Inspiring                      : membangkitkan semangat
To stun                        : mempesonakan
To extend                    : memberikan, menyampaikan
To preside over           : mengetahui, memimpin
To inauguration           : pembukaan, pelantikan

1.      Where and when was the competition held?
Dimana dan kapan kompetisi diadakan?
The comprtition took place at mosque foundation in Chicago on Desember 2 , 1984
2.      Was the competition held every month or every year?
Apakah kompetisi diadakan setiap bulan atau setiap tahun?
the competition held every year
3.      Who organized the competition?
Siapa yang menyelenggarakan kompetisi?
Rasoul Penjwiny, Talat Sultan and Muhammad Nour
4.      How many participants took part and how many people attended the competition?
Berapa banyak peserta yang ikut serta  dan berapa banyak orang yang menghadiri kompetisi?
more than 20 participants and 400 muslims who attended the event.
5.      Who was brother Maurice bucaille?
Siapakah Maurice bucaille?
the autor of the Bibel, Qur’an, And Science and The Origin Of Man.
6.      How many lectures were there on this occasion and on what topics?
Berapa banyak ceramah yang ada pada kesempatan ini dan topinya apa?
Three. Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad delivered a very inspiring inauguration speech. Maurice Bucaile, gave an  informatif lecture on the harmony between the Qur’an and science. Salman Nadvis timely lecture on the education of children.
7.      Mention the categories held in the competition?
Sebutkan kategori yang ada dalam kompetisi?
There were three categories of reciters; those who memorized the entire Qur’an, who had memorized one-third of the Qur’an, and a special group for young children.

8.      Who judged the competition?
Siapa yang menilai kompetisi?
Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad Ghouth Nadvi and Muhammad al- Shengity.
9.      What program will the winner follow after the competition?
Apa program yang akan diikuti pemenang setelah kompetisi?
The Winners will participate in the International Celebration for the recital and Tajweed of the holly Qur’an to be held, insya Allah in Makkah AL- Mukarramah
10.  Who were the winners?
Siapa pemenangnya?
The winner of the second category was Brother Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi, and the winner of the first category was Brother Omar Idlibi.

Analyze the text in terms of characters, eventsand setting, and also give the appropriate title of it.
1)      There are a number of participants (characters) in the text. They are:
1.    Rasoul Penjwiny
2.    Talat Sultan
3.    Muhammad Nour
4.    Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad Ghouth Nadvi
5.    Muhammad al- Shengity.
6.    Maurice Bucaile
7.    Salman Nadvis
8.    Omar Idlibi
9.    Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi
2)      Mention the role of each characters:
1.    Rasoul Penjwiny, Talat Sultan, and Muhammad Nour: coordinator and the moderator for The second Annual North American competition for Qur’anic Recitation.
2.    Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Hammad Ghouth Nadvi: the lecturer who delivered a very inspiring inauguration speech and the judge of the event.
3.    Muhammad al- Shengity: the judge of the event.
4.    Maurice Bucaile: the lecturer who gave an  informatif lecture on the harmony between the Qur’an and science.
5.    Salman Nadvis: the lecturer who delivered lecture on the education of children.
6.    Omar Idlibi: The winner of the first category
7.    Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi: The winner of the second category
3)      The events of each paragraph.
State the important events on each paragraph.
Paragraph 1     : a. The second Annual North American competition for Qur’anic Recitation took place at mosque foundation in Chicago on Desember 2 , 1984.
Paragraph 2     : a. some figures delivered their lectures.
Paragraph 3     : a. there are three categories of the event.
b. the winner of each categories.
4)      Setting of the whole story.
The Location   : at mosque foundation in Chicago
The Time         : on Desember 2 , 1984.
5)      Give a brief explanation about the topic!
The second Annual North American competition for Qur’anic Recitation took place at mosque foundation in Chicago on Desember 2 , 1984. It was attended by 400 muslims and there were more than 20 participants. There were three categories of the event, they were: those who memorized the entire Qur’an, who had memorized one-third of the Qur’an, and a special group for young children. the winners of each categoris are: Omar Idlibi (the first category), Ahmad Muhyiddin Nadvi (the second category), and a young child was 2 years old.

Fill in the blanks with words derived from the text.
1.      In Indonesia there is also a Qur’anic Recitation competition which is held at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta on Desember 3, 2016.
2.      The participants come from all parts of the country.
3.      Muslims have to believe that Qur`an is a revelation from God.
4.      The dean is delivering a speech to open the academic program.
5.      One of the faculties in IAIN is the faculty of Islamic education.
6.      During the month of Ramadan, Qur’anic recitation Is strongly encouraged.
7.      Muslim scholars should have enough knowledge about the Qur’an and General knowledge
8.      In every competition, judges are needed to select the winners.
9.      During the life of the prophet Muhammad, many companions memorized the whole Qur’an by heart.
10.  If the classroom is too small for the competition, we can use the hall instead.
Join the sentences into one using the appropriate linking word such as: WHICH, WHO, THAT, IF, BUT, etc.
1.      There are 25 participants who participating in the competition.
2.      The Qur’an is a revelation from God which contains guidance for life.
3.      Muslim will have a happier life if They obey God and his prophet.
4.      The students have passed their examination if they Studied hard.
5.      The Lecturer came on time but Some of the students came late.

Relative clause with: WHO, THAT, WHICH, WHOSE.
1.      WHO: for people – he, she, they, etc.
a.       The event was coordinated by Rasoul Penjwiny who acted as the moderator for the program.
The event was coordinated by Rasoul Penjwiny.
He acted as the moderator for the program.
b.      The student who lives in the lodging house next door is very friendly.
The student is very friendly.
He lives in the lodging house next door.
c.       There were three categories of reciters, those who had memorized the entire Qur’an, those who had memorized one third of the Qur’an, and a special group for young children.
d.      Special appreciation should be extended to the judges who presided  over the competition.
Sometimes “that” can also be used instead of “who”. The man that came to my house yesterday was my student.
2.      THAT: for things – it, they.
a.       Where are the books? They were on the shelves.
Where are the book  That were on the shelves?
b.      We ate bread. It was on the table.
We ate bread that were on the table.
c.       I read the book. Dr. Ahmad described the book.
I read the book that Dr. Ahmad described.
d.      The book is expensive. It is on the table.
The book ( that is) on the table expensive.
3.      WICH: for things – extra information.
a.       The restaurant has been sold.
It is at the end of street.
The restaurant which is at the end of street, has been sold.
b.      Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
It is the largest city in South East Asia.
Jakarta, which is the largest city in South East Asia, is the capital city of Indonesia.
4.      WHOSE: for possession – her, his, their.
a.       Ali is a teacher. His wife ia a typist.
Ali, whose wife  is a typist, is a teacher.
b.      The man was on TV last night. His book was so popular.
The man whose  book was so popular was on TV last night.

Join the sentences below into one using the appropriate relative clause (linking words)
1.         There are 25 participants who are participating in the competition.
2.         The Qur’an is the revelation from God which contains complete guidance.
3.         Muslims who obey God and His prophet will have a happier life.
4.         The students who studied hard have passed their examination.
5.         The restaurant that serves good meals and drinks is on the corner of the city square.
6.         I read the book that describes the early history of the prophet.
7.         The book which I read belongs to my uncle.
8.         The students who do not like studying history have to study history.
9.         There are a lot of good books in the library which were written by well-known authors.
10.     Umar was the second caliph whose wisdom was well-known among Arab people.


Match the expressions in column I and II to suit the meaning.

Cocokkan ungkapan pada kolom I dan II untuk menyesuaikan artinya.

a.  The lecture was delivered by Brother Ahmad.
b.  A lot of people participated in the competition.
c.  The Qur’an contains guidance for a happier life.
d. Children should be taught the value of Islamic education.
e.  The audiences were gathering in hall to listen the lecturer.


Arrange the words below into a good sentence beginning with the words in italics.

Susunlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang tepat, diawali dengan huruf yang bercetak miring.

a.       The students are discussing an education topic.
b.  The faculty is run by a dean and three vice deans.
c.  Islamic Education is taught in this faculty.
d. The Dean is rensponsible for the academic program
e.  The academic year begins in July.


Complete the sentences below with the appropriate expressions: (WORDS, PHRASES, CLAUSES) to the suit meaning.

Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan ungkapan yang sesuai: (KATA, FRASA, KLAUSA) sesuai dengan perkataan.

a.       People will be successful if they work and worship well.

b.      In the month of Ramadhan, Muslims do fasting.

c.       In Indonesia, Muslim people celebrate ‘Idl al-Fitr by asking forgiveness from each other.

d.      In the month of Ramadhan, Muslims get up early for eating sahur. This is done before imsak time.

e.       When the sun sets in the west, Muslims break their fast by doing buka.